Completed Tasks are shown here
First Step : design 3D object(glasses)
Step 2: Export the STL File
as now we complete the design, we must either export or download the STL file. The STL file is what stores the information about our conceptual 3D object.
Step 3: Choose Materials
Typically we may have an idea about what kind of material we will use before our print. There are many different 3D printing materials available, and we can choose them based on the properties that you want your object to have.
Step 4: Choose Parameters
The next step is then deciding on the different parameters of our object and the printing process. This includes deciding on the size and placement of our print.
Step 5: Create the Gcode
we will then import the STL file into a slicing software, like BCN3D Cura. The slicing software will convert the information from the STL file into a Gcode, which is a specific code containing exact instructions for the printer.
Step 6: Print
This is when the magic happens! The printer will create the object layer by layer. Depending on the size of our object, our printer, and the materials used, the job can be done in a matter of minutes or over several hours.
Depending on what you want your final product to be or the material we used, there may be additional post-processing steps after printing, like painting, brushing off powder, etc.